Daily Archives: November 1, 2015

2015 Fire Safety Poster Contest



Third, fourth, fifth and sixth grade students participated in the National Fire Safety Poster Contest again this year.


This is a great learning experience for the students as they explore graphic design, lettering and visual communications.


It’s also a great opportunity for students to learn about fire safety and to design a poster that teaches others about safety.


The contest is open to all of the students in the Willard area, and I focus the contest for the 3rd-6th grade students.


Learning lettering and design is a large part of this project, and it’s great to see how students develop their skills each year they participate.

KeylaOlvera 1st-5

1st place winner in the 1st-3rd grade division was Keyla Olvera, a 3rd grader from Willard Elementary School.

Katelyn Green 2nd-6

2nd place winner in the 1st-3rd grade division was Katelyn Green, a 3rd grader from Willard Elementary School.

JovanAlfaro 3rd-7

3rd place winner in the 1st-3rd grade division was Jovan Alfaro, a 3rd grader from Willard Elementary School.

Kaylie Mcmillin HM-8

Honorable Mention in the 1st-3rd grade division was Kaylie McMillin, a 3rd grader from Willard Elementary School.

CarleeGreen HM-9

Honorable Mention in the 1st-3rd grade division was Carlee Green, a 3rd grader from Willard Elementary School.

Fernando Huerta 1st

1st place winner in the 4th, 5th & 6th grade division was Fernando Huerta, a 6th grader from Willard Middle School.


Brianna Lykins 2nd-1

2nd place winner in the 4th, 5th & 6th grade division was Brianna Lykins, a 5th grader from Willard Elementary School.

Ellen Fox 3rd-2

3rd place winner in the 4th, 5th & 6th grade division was Ellen Fox, a 6th grader from St. Francis Xavier School.

CarissaMetcalfe HM-4

Honorable Mention in the 4th, 5th & 6th grade division was Carissa Metcalfe, a 6th grader from St. Francis Xavier School.

Bryce Thomas HM-3

Honorable Mention in the 4th, 5th & 6th grade division was Bryce Thomas, a 6th grader from Willard Middle School.